czwartek, 15 sierpnia 2019

Programming exercise #11 - Clone object, without copying reference

// So, you have object like this

const obj = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe"

//Please create second object, that have firstName and lastName
// properties from first object.

console.log(myClonedObject) // {firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"}

// Your goal is copy only properties, not the reference to object.
// so when we change first object like this :

obj.firstName = "Mary"

// output on cloned object should look the same.

console.log(myClonedObject) // {firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"}

// Please post your answer as codepen, jsbin or link into your github gist.

pi膮tek, 9 sierpnia 2019

Programming exercise #10 - emit 6 values in interval, remember about reseting

// Interesting exercise, that I have found in StackOverflow

// After click in button, return values from 0 to 6 with interval 1000 ms.
// After every click in button, again start emitting from 0 to 6
// I suggest you, to use rxjs

Programming exercise #9 - one array from two

// Simple exercise for today
// Your goal is to merge two arrays into one.

const arr1 = ["a", "b", "c"];
const arr2 = ["e", "f", "g"];

// expected result ["a", "b", "c", "e", "f", "g"]